Historias en medio de ningun lado de Noel

jueves, 28 de mayo de 2009

Navegando en el diario que Noel va escribiendo mientras está de gira, me encontré con esto y la verdad no paré de reirme...

Yess Mods and Rockers. Arrived in Santiago last night. A beautiful morning.

What follows is an actual interview that actually took place. On the phone. Yesterday. Actually.

Journalist: Hello, Noel?
NG: Hello.
Jnlst: Shall we begin?
NG: Vamos!
Jnlst: Ok. Last time you were seen in Santiago with a sex turkey, what happened?
NG: ?? 'Scuse me?
Jnlst: My pardon. What happened with a sex turkey?
NG: I'm sorry, but did you say "a sex turkey"?
Jnlst: Yes. What happened with him?

HIM?? Jesus! Now, I'll freely admit - if pushed - that I've got up to some dubious gear in the past but this guy can't really think I've had full homosexual sex with a man-turkey? Can he?

We continue...

NG: Ok. We seem to have crossed wires here. Shall we just go back to the beginning and start again? Slowly? Yes?
Jnlst: As you wish.
NG: Ok. Fire at will.
Jnlst: Sorry?
NG: Never mind, just get on with it!
Jnlst: Ok. Can you explain what it was like in Santiago with a sex turkey and how it compares with Chris Sharrock?

Now, I'm thinking, this is either a live radio comedy stunt thing or someone put acid in my tea.. unless...

NG: When you say a sex turkey, do you mean ZAK STARKEY?
Jnlst: Of course.


NG: Aah, Zak Starkey? You mean Zak Starkey?
Jnlst: Of course. What did you think I meant?
NG: Ha! Fuck, Zak Starkey! I thought you meant that I'd had..oh, never mind. I think we have to wrap this up.
Jnlst: But you never answer my question!!
NG: They're both the same. I need to lie down. Goodbye.

In a bit.


Mad for them!

lunes, 4 de mayo de 2009

Si por supuesto estuve ahí... y entonces...

lloré, salté, canté lo que pude con el poco aire que tenía.

Tendría que contar exactamente lo que pasó, pero tengo miedo de pecar en subjetivismos. De modo que solo voy a decir que fue el mejor concierto de mi vida...

Y si quieren una crónica mas objetiva deberán leer los diarios...

Gracias por lo de anoche! fue lo más... LEJOS!


domingo, 3 de mayo de 2009

Esta noche, cuando desde los parlantes instalados en la cancha de river se escuche:

We put this festival on you bastards
With whole lotta love
We worked for one year for you pigs
And you wanna break our walls down
And you wanna destroy
Well you go to hell

yo estaré en transe total por unas horas... supongo que apenas podré cantar por el nudo en la garganta. Lo digo porque ya me pasó en el 2006.

El mejor concierto de mi vida, espero que lo sea para todos. Cheers!